Ok. So its 2009. A new year ; a new me ; a new thing. I loved reading my aunts blog even though i didnt do it often ; but when i did i enjoyed every minute of it. Somedays it made me cry and somedays it made me laugh. Sometimes when i was down i decided -- hmm, let me read her blog ; it always brought me up ! =] I thought about making one ; then i thought again and again and again. I finally decided to just do it. And whens a better time to do so then the beginning of a new year !
A little bit about myself for those of you who do not already know =] . It is as simple as this ; I AM I ! i dont shy away and never compromise myself. i dont sell out quickly and keep my friends very close. when i beleive in something ; i will stick it out to the end. im not afraid of what other people think and thats why people love me. =] im caring ; outgoing ; and very family oriented. i love them and they LOVE me.

my family is everything to me they make me stronger and happier and are always there for me. i have every type of family member you could think of. from humorous and silly to stern and very serious. " why so serious "? my little brother and baby cousins mean the world to me. they are all such amazing and beautiful kids and i couldnt imagine them any different. they are all so unique in there own adorable way. i love them all to peices and they just adore their STEFFIE !

my aunts and uncles are always there for me. i can go to them with anything not saying their reaction will always be possitive but i know they will be there for me and do anything for me { thats legal anyway } . hehe ! my mom and dad we have our own kind of relationship. not exactly what you would call a child and parent but i know they love me and have always done everything for me if they could.
HONEY - i love you with all my heart and without you i would never have made it as far as i did. our late night talks and our out to eat days. mall trips ; olive garden ; sleep overs =] and FACE RUBS! your the greatest your such a beautiful and caring person. you bend over backwards for me and as much as i love every second of it -- you know i would bend backwards and twist for you. your my strength each day thank you for everything mommom i lOVE you.

POPS - your a one of a kind man ; and such a changed person ! what happen to you was one of my scariest and saddest days of my life ; but you made it through. your a strong and outgoing man now and i adore you for that. i look up to you and can come to you with any question for the right answer. your the best and SMARTEST poppop ever. love you golfer ! ; and ill always be your PUDDS.

And last but not least my pradah girl ! she is my 7 month old puppy and i love her like she was my child. we do everything together haha. she takes rides ; goes to hockey games ; gets dressed ; sleeps with me ; kisses me ; everything ! she loves her MOMMY and as bad as she can be i love her too ! she can be soo bad but yet so cute and lovable at the same time. when i cry she is right there in my face making sure i am ok. i lovee my babyy soo muchhh !